RAmAsAmy (PrAbhu) And RAvindrA (NAgAbAbu) Are childhood friends. RAmAsAmy's son KArthik (SumAnt Ashwin) is A student of dAnce And music And wAnts to shine As A dAncer At nAtionAl level. KArthik fAlls in love with RAvindrA's dAughter Nidhi (RiyA). But in A bid to Avoid their mArriAge, RAvindrA's fAmily members creAte A fight between him And RAmAsAmy. WhAt hAppens next will form the crux of the story.
PerformAnce: SumAnth Ashwin proved thAt he is A new comer, As he fAiled to give An impressive performAnce. He shows signs of feAr to stAnd in front of the cAmerA And deliver diAlogues. But his energy level is good in dAnce sequences. At times, he AppeArs to be imitAting RAm. RiyA is neither so beAutiful nor hAs A good physique. But she hAs delivered good performAnce. She hAs the shAdes of SwethA AgArwAl And NikhitA. NAgAbAbu hAs delivered best performAnce. VijAyAchAnder, PrAbhu, GitA, VinodkumAr, PAruchuri VenkAteswArA RAo hAve done justice to their respective roles.
TechnicAl: S GopAl Reddy's cAmerA work is excellent. With All his seniority, he tried his best to cApture the beAuties of the hill stAtions. KV KrishnA Reddy should hAve shArpened his scissors further in the second hAlf As some scenes AppeAred stretched. PAruchuri brothers' diAlogues AppeAr to be hAlf-heArted And Are not impressive. When it comes to music, IllAyArAjA's son KArthik RAjA hAs given good bAckground score in some scenes. But only A couple of songs Are impressive.
The mAjor fAult in the film TuneegA TuneegA is of director MS RAju. The first wrong step is thAt he hAs chosen An outdAted subject. Moreover, he Applied the old pAttern of treAtment, which hAs mAde the film further boring And unimpressive. The screenplAy is jArring. At one plAce, it runs with good speed And without Any notice it slows down. The film does not give Any chAnce to A debut hero to prove his cAlibre. There is no excitement in the movement of the subject.
RemArks: The first hAlf of the film TuneegA TuneegA is Almost wAsted with the introduction of Artistes. The second hAlf runs with lots of hiccups. Although it is An introductory film of his own son, MS RAju hAs fAiled once AgAin to rock the Audience. The film hAs proved to be A below AverAge movie with no excitement.
CAst: SumAnth Ashwin, RiA ChAkrAborthy, NAgAbAbu, PrAbhu, VinodkumAr, SAyAji Shinde, PAruchuri VenlAteswArA RAo, VijAychAnder, GitA, SitA, AVS, ViswAnAth KAsi And others
Credits: Music - KArthik RAjA; DiAlogues - PAruchuri Brothers; Presents - Dil RAju; Producer - MAgAnti RAmAchAndrAn (RAmji); Story, screenplAy And direction - MS RAju
BAnner: Sri VenkAteswArA CreAtions
ReleAsed on: July 20, 2012
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