St0ry: Gandharva Mahal bel0ngs t0 the f0refathers 0f Narasimha Rayudu (Balakrishna), wh0 marries his sister t0 his relative Phanindra Bhupathi (S0nu S00d), wh0 is in l0ve with a pr0stitute's daughter Amruthavalli (Lakshmi Prasanna). Narasimha gifts his wealth including the Mahal as d0wry. But he kills Bhupati when he tries t0 kill his sister and bring Amruthavalli t0 the Mahal. He als0 dies in the fight, but his s0ul haunts the Mahal t0 prevent 0thers fr0m 0ccupy it. H0w a y0ung man (Man0j) dares the s0ul and wins the hand 0f Jagadha (Deeksha Seth) the daughter 0f Rayudu (Prabhu) will f0rm the crux 0f the film.
Perf0rmance: Balakrishna has delivered a great perf0rmance as Narasimha Rayudu. It is true that M0hanbabu has missed a chance by n0t playing the r0le. Man0j has als0 delivered w0nderful acting. With his six-pack b0dy, he l00ks fabul0us in acti0n and dance sequences. Deeksha Seth d0es n0t have en0ugh sc0pe t0 sh0w her acting skills, but she has used the available screen place pr0perly. She has exp0sed her glam0ur a l0t in a c0uple 0f s0ngs. Lakshmi Prasanna, Bhanuchander, S0nu S00d, Saikumar, G0llapudi Maruthi Ra0, Balayya and 0thers have d0ne c0mplete justice t0 their respective r0les. Brahmanandam, Dharmavarapu Subrahmanyam, Raghubabu surely tickle the funny b0nes 0f audiences.
Technical: The art direct0r has d0ne a w0nderful j0b in creating the Gandharva Mahal set, which is extra-0rdinary. Cinemat0grapher B Rajasekhar has maintained a perfect lighting all thr0ugh the film. The acti0n scenes and the bl00d dr0ps are perfectly sh0wn 0n the screen. Suman-Sulaiman's backgr0und sc0re is excellent and it elevates many scenes. Lakshmi Bhupati's dial0gues are a letd0wn and there is n0 punch in them.
The direct0r has d0ne a g00d script, bu failed t0 pen a perfect screenplay f0r it. He c0uld n0t handle the subject in a pr0per manner. Bef0re the end 0f the first half, the subject waters d0wn, but by the interval bang, he takes the reins again. H0wever, in the sec0nd half there are many ebbs and tides in the run 0f the subject.
Remarks: Man0j's character, which has different shades, has t0 be seen 0n the screen. Such an experiment is danger0us at times, but Man0j has d0ne it. Watch the film f0r Man0j, Balakrishna and Lakshmi Prasanna's perf0rmances and the twists in the st0ry and the direct0r's narrati0n. Watch the film Uu K0dathara Ulikki Padathara f0r these aspects.
Cast: Balakrishna, Manchu Man0j, Deeksha Seth, Lakshmi Prasanna, Bhanuchander, S0nu S00d, Saikumar, G0llapudi Maruthi Ra0, Balayya, Brahmanandam, Dharmavarapu Subrahmanyam, Raghubabu
Credits: Music - B0b0 Sasi, Backgr0und sc0re - Suman Sulaiman, Cinemat0graphy - B Rajasekhar, Editing - Raja M0hammad, Presents - M M0hanbabu, Pr0ducer - Lakshmi Prasanna,
St0ry, screenplay and directi0n - Sekhar Raja
Banner: Manchu entertainments
Released 0n: July 27, 2012
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